
There is no difference between me and you.  It’s the same stuff that makes up the stars and the planets in the sky that makes up your body.  If we were to take a look at your body through a high-powered microscope we’d see more space than solid matter.  What gives the illusion of matter is the density and arrangement of the atoms and molecules and sub-atomic particles and their rate of vibration.  If we were to suck out all of the space not only from your body but from the entire earth you could put the whole world on a teaspoon.  And all of the atoms and molecules are constantly moving, changing, re-arranging.  You have a new stomach lining every 5-7 days….99.9% of all of the atoms and molecules that make up your body are different today than they were several years ago.  The atoms and molecules that make up your liver today could have been part of the body of Buddha many years ago, or part of the breath of someone in China last month, or part of the $100 bill that someone made a purchase with on the other side of the planet last year.  All of our understandings of time, space, matter and energy lose their meaning at the quantum level.  The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said it best when he said you can’t step in the same river twice.  

As Einstein said, “Reality is a persistently stubborn illusion.”

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