Ormus Australia


What is Ormus?

A group of essential mineral nutrients previously unknown to modern science.

Why were they unknown?

Because they didn’t show up in common scientific tests.

What kind of minerals?

Minerals like Gold, Silver, Platinum, and they are in a different form, and in this other form, they are non toxic. We are discovering that they are very common in plants, animals, air, soil and water.

How is it beneficial?

It appears to assist communication between cells in the body and between the body and spirit.

This elixir of life allows us to realign with our higher dimensional frequency and blueprint.

Enjoy connecting and aligning with your higher dimensional frequency as we remember who we are.

Ormus Australia (click here)

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Our Source


“Our hearts are one. Beyond these illusions, beyond this pain and suffering, we exist in a glorious symphony of oneness. See the physical world for what it is, an illusion to use for self realization. Your power is permanent, nothing can or ever has taken it away. If you feel powerless, you are seeing the illusion as real – it is not real – it is just a tool. All fear and all its children are temporary, but even fear serves an important purpose – it shows you what you want to let go of. You are love. You are free, you always have been. Now listen, we are talking and planning our life together, you and I, the All That Is, are constantly conversing. But as long as you choose fear, anger, doubt, worry, etc. in your conscious mind, you miss the conversation on your current conscious level. NOW, engage in the conversation, choose love and freedom in your mind and join yourself and me as Oneness. Together we will guide your life in the new directions you are deeply longing to experience. I love you. You and I are freedom manifested. Simply accept our Oneness now and always.”    —  Our Source