The Shift

The Shift. What is it? 

We’ve been hearing about “The Shift” for so long, it’s hard to believe that it’s finally here! But what precisely is shifting? What are we moving from? What are we moving toward? And – more importantly – what difference is it really going to make to your world… your life… your family… your loved ones… and you?

Have you been noticing that…

Time seems to be speeding up? Your memories aren’t as reliable as they used to be? Stuff you thought you had dealt with is suddenly resurfacing? And nothing seems to be working the way it used to?

You are not alone!

If you have been hearing people talk about moving from the Third Dimension to the Fifth Dimension but you haven’t a clue how that’s going to come about, or what specific changes it’s going to bring, or even what the Fifth Dimension is – you are not alone. Moreover, it’s no accident that you’re reading this book at this moment. It was written for you.

The purpose of this book is twofold: first, to present you with a container for much of the information that you already know, but may not be consciously aware that you know. And second, to introduce you to a set of tools, skills and opportunities that will enable you to build a platform that will allow you to step from a third-dimensional unconsciousness into a higher dimensional awareness, fully conscious, and completely realigned with who you are and who you have always been, but don’t remember at this moment.

It is actually quite simple to create happiness, abundance and well-being in your life. As with so many aspects of life, however, that which is simple is sometimes the hardest to grasp. For example, the 4-step formula for creation is truly this simple:

1. Create an Intention

2. Place your Attention on your Intention

3. Add an emotion such as happy, amused or excited to what you have your attention on and

4. The Universe, through the Law of Attraction, will give to you precisely what you placed your Attention upon.

Create an Intention Place your Attention on your Intention Add an emotion such as happy, amused or excited to what you have your attention on and The Universe, through the Law of Attraction, will give to you precisely what you placed your Attention upon.

Your job is to receive it… to allow it to come to you… to let yourself have what you just asked for. In other words, “Ask and it shall be given unto you.” So – why are most of us unable to follow this simple formula and create the lives we desire?

The noise of the third-dimension is very distracting, pulling our attention into the past or projecting it into the future, where fear and anxiety often reside. When emotions such as worry, doubt, and lack arise, holding our attention on our intention to be happy can become very challenging. The Law of Attraction gives us exactly what we place our attention on; it doesn’t understand: “Just give me the good stuff.” So how you hold your emotions and thoughts is how the Universe understands your asking. “Ask and you shall receive.”

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by Jim Self – MasteringAlchemy

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